Spirit Healing Tea™ - Healing & Detox Teas

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Finding Serenity with the Support of Plants

Spending time in nature, surrounded by plants and trees, can provide a sense of calm and serenity that is difficult to replicate elsewhere. Exposure to nature has numerous physical and psychological benefits, including stress reduction, improved mood, and increased energy.

Plants emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which are chemicals that can have a positive effect on our physical and emotional well-being. For example, the scent of pine trees has been found to reduce stress and improve mood, while the aroma of lavender has a calming effect on the mind and body.

Being in nature also provides an opportunity for us to connect with the earth and its energy. The earth has an electromagnetic field that resonates at a frequency of around 7.83 Hz, which is known as the Schumann resonance. This frequency has been found to have a calming effect on the body and can help reduce stress and anxiety.

When we spend time outdoors in nature, we are exposed to this natural energy, which can have a refreshing and revitalizing effect on our bodies and minds. The exchange of energy between ourselves and the natural world is a two-way street. We give off energy in the form of heat and electromagnetic radiation, and we receive energy from the natural environment, including the sun, air, and the earth itself.

This exchange of energy supports our overall well-being. The practice of grounding, or connecting with the earth's energy by walking barefoot or lying on the ground, has been found to have numerous health benefits, including reducing inflammation, improving sleep, and increasing energy levels.

In summary, spending time in nature surrounded by plants and trees can provide support and serenity, and being in their energy can have a refreshing and revitalizing effect on our bodies and minds. The exchange of energy between ourselves and the natural world supports our overall well-being and can help us feel more connected to the earth and its natural rhythms.

Amplify Your Outdoor Experience with Herbal Tea

Drinking herbal tea while outdoors can be a simple yet effective way to amplify your connection to nature and the earth. Here are some tips for incorporating herbal tea into your outdoor experience:

1. Choose the right herbs: Certain herbs are particularly well-suited for outdoor environments and can help enhance your connection to nature. For example, herbs such as lemon balm, peppermint, and chamomile are known for their calming properties, while herbs like red clover and thyme have an invigorating effect on the mind and body. Choose herbs that resonate with you and that you feel will enhance your experience in nature.

2. Bring a thermos or insulated bottle: To keep your tea hot and enjoyable, it's a good idea to bring a thermos or insulated bottle with you on your outdoor excursion. This will also allow you to brew your tea ahead of time and keep it warm for whenever you're ready to enjoy it.

3. Find a quiet spot: To fully immerse yourself in the natural environment, try to find a quiet spot away from distractions and noise. This will allow you to fully connect with your surroundings and enjoy your tea in peace.

4. Engage your senses: As you drink your tea, engage your senses by taking in the sights, sounds, and smells of nature around you. Notice the color and texture of the plants and trees, listen to the birds and other wildlife, and take in the fresh air and scent of the herbs in your tea.

By incorporating herbal tea into your outdoor experience, you can amplify your connection to nature and the earth. Whether you're looking for a calming moment of peace or an invigorating burst of energy, drinking herbal tea while surrounded by the beauty of nature can help you feel more grounded and connected to the natural world.

Read the next blog in the series A Spoon Full of Wisdom: The Intelligence of Plants: Growing Your Own Plants for Enhanced Alignment.